10 Unpopular Opinions That’ll Make Gamers Rage

7. Dark Souls Isn't Actually Fair

There's just nothing quite like Dark Souls; one of the most aggressively old-school, intensely debated and endlessly argued franchises out there. Custom-built for only the most dedicated of gamers, there's no such thing as a 'casual Souls player' who pops the disc in for a few minutes each evening.

Instead this is a white knuckle-intense, pen n' paper stat-crunching action-adventure RPG, one with some of the most violent high-low emotional chicanes it's ever possible to experience.

The thing every fan of the series - this author included - comes back to when explaining its appeal in spite of such facets though, is that regardless of how many enemies the game throws at you, or whatever environmental cues decide want to have your head for breakfast, the game 'is always fair'.

Whilst true in most instances - you do tend to get pasted if you charge ahead into the abyss with a reckless abandon - it's most definitely not the case overall; for a number of reasons ranging from enemies tagging you mid-dodge, thwacking you through walls, hitting you as your standing up - or just that pivotal moment in Dark Souls 1 where no matter where you stand, you're supposed to get torched by a dragon just after a boss battle, because y'know, Dark Souls.

They're a landmark achievement in game design, but it's complete insanity to say that they're categorically fair and that every time you die it'll always be your fault, even though someone's probably got that tattooed onto their skin out of sheer devotion at this point.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.