10 Upcoming 2016 Video Game Moments We Can’t Wait To Play

8. Blowing Up The Entire Map In Multiplayer - Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

Battlefield lets you blow up massive buildings. Crackdown 3 plans on letting you blow up an entire city. Teased during the Gamescom reveal in 2015, Crackdown 3 will have an extensive game world with the same criminal hierarchy that defined the original Crackdown. With this instalment however, developer Reagent Games hopes to add a whole lot more destructive fun.

Although plenty of carnage is possible within the single player campaign, it's in multiplayer that the map becomes 100% destructible. Thanks to the Cloudgine, which makes the Xbox One twenty times more powerful, this multiplayer experience certainly looks set to be very ambitious indeed.

If the Cloudgine is as advertised, then all players will be able to hop online and compete to see who can cause the most destruction in the shortest amount of time. For the people who had so much fun blowing up all those buildings in Battlefield, imagine the unadulterated, chaotic fun that'll arise with the destruction of an entire open world.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.