10 Upcoming 2016 Video Games We Can’t Wait To See More Of

5. Scalebound

Devil May Cry meets Skyrim, I feel, is a very fair generalisation to describe what Platinum Games are trying to achieve with Scalebound. Instead of Dante, we've got Drew - a human who has the ability to channel the power of dragons to take on some gnarly hybrid combination of both species - and Thuban instead of Alduin, although this winged reptile is far friendlier than Skyrim's antagonist. We actually got to see the tag-team partake in a little combat back at last year's E3, but shortly after that, Microsoft gave everyone the troubling news that Scalebound had been pushed back to 2017. Annoying, to say the least. Platinum have already given us the skinny on the main features of the game (action-RPG, with a slightly bigger focus on the former) and, alongside the footage we've been shown, Scalebound's looking like a natural evolution of the arcady, more self-aware games the studio have made in the past. An open-world Platinum title is dream come true for a lot of us, l only hope that the delay serves to strengthen the core experience rather than being a result of some last-minute problems. Some more transparency in regards to Thuban's usefulness (he's AI-controlled only) and how the more statistical skill tree system works wouldn't go amiss.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.