10 Upcoming 2016 Video Games We Can’t Wait To See More Of

4. Horizon Zero Dawn

Can a studio that's - up until now - only ever been known for crafting largely linear first-person shooters completely switch focus and make, potentially, one of the greatest action-RPGs of this console generation? Guerilla Games has certainly put forth compelling evidence with Horizon Zero Dawn that yes, such a U-turn is entirely possible. The beautiful, post-apocalyptic (that's a whopper of an oxymoron) world of Horizon ruled by robotic dinosaurs is looking simply fantastic and, besides the intriguing gameplay, Guerilla could be on to a winner here with a fascinating narrative to boot. The emphasis of which is supposedly on exploring a world in which the human race is no longer the ruling species of Earth; just living is a day-to-day struggle. Instant gratification will come from the toppling of mechanical T-rex-shaped monsters, customisation and exploration, but the longevity will come from wanting answers to endless burning questions. What happened to the rest of our race? Where did they go? Where did these robot dinos come from, who created them and why? So. Many. Questions.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.