10 Upcoming 2019 Video Games We're Incredibly Worried About

4. Gears 5

jedi fallen order

Release Date: TBA

Now, this might be a tad controversial, but does the Gears of War franchise really have anything interesting to offer anymore?

Gears of War 4 was a quintessential example of a competent yet thoroughly uninspired action game sequel that left no lasting impression whatsoever.

Revealed at E3 earlier this year, Gears 5 pretty much touts itself as business as usual for the franchise once again, with the same formulaic, superficially engaging gameplay that likely serves up precious few new ideas.

Where is the passion, the personality and the innovation? It gives off the whiff of a complacent AAA effort that'll score a solid 83 on Metacritic but be quietly forgotten before 2019 is even done with.

A pessimistic mindset? Perhaps, but the game's going to sell like hotcakes regardless, because to many people that formula is precisely the comfort food that they crave (and no judgment here for that).

After a while you just have to wonder, though, don't the people making these games want to strive for anything more? It's not like Gears is being churned out on an annual basis where room for inspiration is scarce.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.