10 Upcoming 2019 Video Games We're Incredibly Worried About

3. Control

jedi fallen order

Release Date: TBA

Remedy Entertainment's new third-person shooter Control was first announced back at E3, and while the developer certainly has a history of releasing ambitious and intriguing games, it's also fair to say their reach often exceeds their grasp.

As brilliant as their Max Payne games are, Alan Wake was an intriguing mess, and their recent Quantum Break ultimately ended up a shockingly generic sci-fi shooter with a tawdry live-action TV show attached.

Control, then, boasts the impressively cinematic visuals we all expect from a Remedy game, but it's also tough to escape the feeling it's re-using a ton of assets from Quantum Break in the quest to cut corners and save money.

Ultimately it just feels like a vaguely desperate attempt by Remedy to rush out a new gimmicky action game IP with the hope of it selling enough that they can milk it for a multi-title franchise.

It'd be awesome if Control ended up being a return to form for the developer, but one can imagine it scoring intensely average reviews at best (much like Quantum Break).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.