10 Upcoming Horror Video Games You Need To Know About

5. The Beast Inside

After a successful Kickstarter campaign earlier this year, The Beast Inside has already generated a lot of buzz among horror game fans and has plenty of potential to be a surprise hit. Featuring puzzles, combat, stealth, and more, this game gives players all the options they need to deal with enemies however they like.

With a multi-layered plot involving a pair of protagonists investigating the same house in two different time periods, The Beast Inside is set to offer a satisfying story to go along with its jumpscares and chase sequences, and it will be interesting to see how the developers tie all of these elements together.

Taking inspiration from huge horror hits of the past like Amnesia, Silent Hill and the Resident Evil series, as well as movies like The Conjuring and Shutter Island, The Beast Inside is set to release in the early months of 2019 and horror fans should be following this one very closely.

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