10 Upcoming Video Game Graphics That Will BLOW YOU AWAY

9. Street Fighter 6

Crimson desert

Beautiful graphics are often synonymous with photorealistic art, even though this isn't always the case. Although the combatants in Street Fighter 6 have a semi-realistic design, the attacks are laced with graffiti visuals, which look exquisite. (Also, considering the title is Street Fighter, it's pretty odd it's taken this long to incorporate street art into the franchise.)

Even though it could've been jarring to place cartoony effects over realistic characters, both styles compliment each other magnificently. Tekken 8 may have better graphics on a technical level, but Street Fighter 6 makes more of an effort to distinguish its various artstyles, making every kick and punch "pop".

Anyone who's played Street Fighter knows how satisfying it is to beat your rival with a masterful uppercut or a perfectly executed combo. However, victory will taste even sweeter in SF6, as you watch the screen explode in a swash of colours upon your enemy's defeat.

While every next-gen game is desperately trying to cram realism down your throat, its refreshing to see Street Fighter 6 find more vibrant ways to make their visuals leave a lasting impression.


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