10 Upcoming Video Game Graphics That Will BLOW YOU AWAY

6. The Invincible

Crimson desert
Starward Industries

The Invincible is an upcoming game, based on Stanislaw Lem's 1964 book of the same name. This sci-fi story centres around an astronaut who crash-lands on alien planet.

The novel initially stood out, since it deals with scientific concepts that were barely hypothesised at the time, including self-replicating machines, genetic engineering, transhumanism, AI swarms, non-living evolution, and microbots. Because Lem's novel has helped shape the sci-fi genre (and actual science), it's crazy it's taken so long for The Invincible to be adapted.

Because Lem is such a visual storyteller, a video game adaption wouldn't work unless the creators understood how he thinks. Fortunately the game's head developer, Marek Markuszweski, did all he could to maintain Lem's vision. Using the Unreal Engine 5, Markuszweski hopes, "The Invincible will lay out its brilliant story with a matching opulence of visual features."

Because The Invincible focuses on isolation, a lot of effort was put into maintain this feeling, such as realistically moving shadows and dust particles. (If you thought dust couldn't look visually impressive, The Invincible will prove you wrong.)

It may be early days, but The Invincible is looking to be among the most visually impressive first-person titles of 2023.


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