10 Upcoming Video Game Graphics That Will BLOW YOU AWAY

5. Forza Motorsport

Crimson desert

After Forza Horizon 5's graphics blew gamers away, it felt like the simulation racer's visuals couldn't be bettered.

But while watching a clip of 2023's Forza Motorsport, you'd swear you were looking at real footage. This upcoming title doesn't just have the best graphics in a racer. Based on these trailers, Motorsport has some of the best lighting visuals in gaming history.

The lighting is so precise, the shadows render in real-time depending on what time of the day it is. Depending on how bright your surroundings are, it'll noticeably affect how light reflects off your headlights and the body of the automobiles. (The only way the lighting could be be better is if the game had a real Sun.)

Being a racer, Motorsport puts a lot of focus on the vehicles' graphics. (It would be weird if they didn't.) However, the developers took special care to ensure every pixel in the latest Forza instalment looks photorealistic. You feel so immersed looking at the billowing trees and the rising sun, you can get lost in it all.

Gran Turismo may have been the top dog of racing games for decades, but Forza could take the crown, based on what we've seen.


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