10 Upcoming Video Game Sequels Nobody Asked For

1. Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Watch Dogs 2

The Call of Duty franchise has been widely criticised for failing to innovate over the years, and yet, with the upcoming Infinite Warfare touting a uniquely heavy sci-fi tone (including epic space battles), the trailer for the game has received almost 3 million dislikes on YouTube, making it the second-most disliked video on the website (behind only Justin Bieber's song Baby).

Fans have spoken vocally: they wanted innovation, but apparently they didn't want something quite so radical.

Could It Be Any Good?: Many were on the fence until recently, but the game's savage E3 demo appears to have changed at least some minds. It looks like an ambitious step up for the series, even if it's naturally not going to please everyone. It'd be a surprise if it was terrible, though it's likely that not every new flourish will work.

Let's face it, though: almost all of those 3 million "dislikers" are still going to buy the game anyway...

Which upcoming video game sequels are you the least hyped about? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.