10 Upcoming Video Game Sequels Nobody Asked For

6. Game Of Thrones: Season 2

Watch Dogs 2

In an attempt to cash-in on the enormous Game of Thrones fandom, Telltale churned out an utterly uninspired episodic adventure series based on the hit HBO show last year.

While catnip to the most devout fans of both Telltale and the TV series, it suffered from languid plotting, laughably bad graphics (even for a game of this sort) and thoroughly underwhelming performances. All in all, compared to their The Walking Dead and Borderlands games in particular, this felt so, so off the mark.

A second season is on the way, but with the TV version beginning to wind down, it's really not at all necessary. Are fans really that desperate to spend their cash on what feels like mediocre, slapdash fan fiction?

Could It Be Any Good?: Telltale have a pretty terrific track record, so hopefully they'll listen to the first season's lukewarm reception and hone things for the next batch of episodes. Then again, they could very well see this as an easy payday and nothing more, and merely phone it in like they did the first time.

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Watch Dogs 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.