10 Upcoming Video Game Sequels Nobody Asked For

4. Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2

It was something of a common phrase among gamers that 2014's Watch Dogs was "the most 7/10 game of all time". After years of anticipation, Ubisoft's new AAA IP landed with a decidedly indifferent response, being praised for its visuals (albeit downgraded from that original E3 demo), but criticised for the cliched plot and typical Assassin's Creed-style mission templates.

Still, the game was a big hit and a sequel was as such always inevitable, but honestly, after so many players got burned the first time around, are they really going to turn up for part two?

Could It Be Any Good?: Trailers and gameplay footage so far have shown off a much lighter tone than the first game, which is almost certainly a good thing. While Ubisoft don't have a history of learning from their prior foibles, a lack of self-seriousness should make it easier to swallow some potential narrative stumbles.

In short, it probably won't be worse, and there's every chance it could be better. Hell, maybe even an 8/10.

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Watch Dogs 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.