10 Upcoming Video Game Sequels Nobody Asked For

3. Ace Combat 7

Watch Dogs 2
Bandai Namco

The Ace Combat series has existed for almost 25 years, and though Ace Combat 7 will be the first core entry since 2007, the franchise has patently over-saturated itself with a staggering number of spin-offs, handheld and otherwise, resulting in 17 releases in just 24 years.

As if that over-abundance of titles wasn't enough, the series' critical reception has been a fairly mixed bag since its inception, so here's a game that the hardcore fans may buy out of obligation, but it's hard to imagine many others being excited about it at all.

Could It Be Any Good?: The game has one major ace up its sleeve: Ace Combat 7 will release with PlayStation VR support, which could add a whole new dimension to the standard style of gameplay. Then again, if the rest of the game is average at best, it might not do enough to reinvigorate the series.

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Watch Dogs 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.