10 Upcoming Video Games Bioshock Fans Will LOVE
7. Scorn
Scorn looks to be everything that the extremely mediocre pseudo-walking simulator Agony wasn’t: a deep sense of entrapment and foreboding, a devastating, grotesque hellscape to explore, and a unique set of biological weaponry to carve a path through the world’s various horrors.
Originally slated for release sometime in 2018, the game’s launch seems to have been delayed to next year. This is often a worrying sign in the AA game development space, but this looks like a title which could be worth the added wait, especially for Bioshock fans.
Bioshock was, at its core, a game about fighting through and eventually escaping a claustrophobic, monstrous environment. This seems to be what Scorn is all about, and plenty of horror fans can’t wait to get their hands on that horrendous, toothy living shotgun thing from the reveal trailer.
In many ways, it looks to be a first person shooter ala 2016’s Doom, but with a scaled-back combat system and an enhanced sense of atmosphere. Scorn could end up being another piece of Kickstarter vaporware, but here’s hoping 2019 becomes a year to remember for fans of the horror genre.