10 Upcoming Video Games Which Are Already Doomed

6. Beyond Good & Evil 2

Concord Game

Beyond Good and Evil 2 was first announced in 2008, after which Ubisoft went radio silent on the matter for the better part of a decade. It was reintroduced at E3 2017, but over seven years later, it still isn't out.

Development updates began to dry up soon after the E3 re-reveal, and production has been beset by a number of issues, namely the departure of original director Michel Ancel in 2020 amid accusations of a toxic management style, and the sudden death of creative director Emile Morel last year.

By 2022, Beyond Good and Evil 2 had overtaken Duke Nukem Forever as the longest in-development video game in history, and though Ubisoft recently confirmed it was indeed still in the works, it doesn't exactly make many hopeful for its eventual release.

And even if it does come out, isn't it incredibly likely that the ludicrously long development cycle results in an open-world game that feels overwhelmingly dated?

Few fans of the original game needed this sequel to be such an ambitious expansion, and given that Beyond Good and Evil was itself a sales flop, it's tough to imagine an outcome where this long-belated sequel is a commercial success.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.