10 Utterly Creepy Moments From Japanese Gaming

1. Ending 4 - Drakengard

Drakengard To reach the first spot, you must be really creepy, by way of imagery, by concept, and by art, and this sums all of them up. Drakengard is not exactly a memorable game (good, but that's all ), yet complete the game 3 times and finish some more quests, and get ready for some disturbing content indeed - the attack of "teethy babies" descending from the sky and devouring everything in his path, including Arioch (the crazy ally). The end seems near, as the devourer of time rises to command the babies. Just the metaphor of destruction and loss of sense is enough to make us cringe in fear, but not enough to forget those faces, those vicious baby faces. Babies rising in the skies, urged to destroy what's left of humanity - that is the climax of creepiness in Japanese games. There are lots of other creepy moments, not just in Japanese games, but that will be for another article. What are your creepiest moments in Japanese games? Let us know in the comments below.

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