10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

7. Vaas Montenegro - Far Cry 3

mass effect 2 overlord

Arguably the most famous part of the Far Cry franchise at this point is the series' cast of colourful villains, with all of them carrying enigmatic and sinister personalities that never fail to steal the show.

However, none have been as cruel and sadistic as the one that helped kickstart this legacy: Vaas Montenegro. Portrayed by Michael Mando, Vaas has become one of the most influential video game villains in history, with his unhinged and bloodthirsty personality undoubtedly being the main reason for this.

Introduced as being the leader of a gang of pirates dealing in illegal human trafficking, Vaas is shown to enjoy psychologically and physically torturing those unlucky enough to be captured by him, as well as having an unstable temper that often sees him murdering even some of his own men.

Reckless, violent, unstable, and sadistic, there's no end to the amount of torture and bloodshed Vaas is capable of dishing out. He might have only been the secondary antagonist in Far Cry 3, but Vaas' sadism and psychopathic behaviour is what really made the game the success it was.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.