10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

6. Dr. Gavin Archer - Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2 overlord

The Overlord DLC was added to Mass Effect 2 in 2010 and introduced Shepherd to the two Archer brothers, Gavin and David. Dr. Gavin Archer is introduced as being the chief scientist of Project Overlord at the Cerberus facility on Aite, though he is the only remaining survivor of the team by the time players meet him.

He is shown to be a cold and distant man, fixated on finishing his research with as little delay as possible. He explains to players that his brother has volunteered himself as a human test subject for his work, however when it comes time to see the state of David, the sight is nothing short of horrific.

It is explained that David is autistic, and that Gavin forcibly attempted to accelerate his work by connecting his brother up to the VI that has taken over the facility.

The sight is already an unsettling one, however the callousness Gavin demonstrates even when frontend with the sight of his own brother in a better-off-dead state is what marks him out as one of the most sadistic and cruel individuals the series has ever served up.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.