10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

5. Garnier De Naplouse - Assassin's Creed

mass effect 2 overlord

Garnier De Naplouse is introduced early on in the original Assassin's Creed as one of the first targets players must kill, and as a clear marker as to how evil the Templars can get in the game.

The 10th Grand Master of the Knights Hospitalier, it is revealed that Garnier had been exiled from his homeland in France for his inhumane experiments on his patients, before moving to the Holy Land and again being exiled from Tyre for continuing his bloodthirsty research.

By the time players meet him in-game, he is shown to have set up a hospital in Acre where he continues his sick work, reveling in the power and knowledge he gets from inflicting unimaginable horrors on the local citizens.

He often gained new patients through the slave trade, and subjected his patients to beatings and horrendous treatment, with there being one specific cinematic in the game whee Garnier orders his soldiers to break a patient's legs so that he won't attempt to escape him again.

Another example of a devout scientist losing his sense of morality in his quest for knowledge, Garnier De Naplouse's steadfast beliefs in his own work only served to showcase how dehumanised he had become over the years.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.