10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

4. Dogeyes - Sleeping Dogs

mass effect 2 overlord
Square Enix

Sam 'Dogeyes' Lin is one of Sleeping Dogs' main antagonists, as well as being shown as possibly its most sadistic. The open-world title set in Hong Kong is home to a number of unsavoury individuals, however, few matches just how unsettled Dogeyes is able to make a player feel.

It is shown that Dogeyes began his criminal career as a 'professional boyfriend' for the Sun On Yee Triad, using his sociopathic charms to woo young women and groom them long enough to get them hooked on drugs and involved in a life of prostitution.

He was also responsible for Wei Shin's younger sister suffering an overdose from heroin after subjecting her to the same process, with Dogeyes taking great pleasure in taunting him about it throughout the game.

Throughout his time on screen, Dogeyes is shown to be a character with almost no redeemable qualities, especially when stacked up against his heinous acts. A sociopath and sexual sadist, he is shown taking great pleasure from brutalising and sometimes even killing the most vulnerable of people in the game's market area, all while demanding extortionate payments off them.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.