10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

3. Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy VI

mass effect 2 overlord
Square Enix

Kefka Palazzo is the perfect example of 'look at the guy behind you' sort of villain. Beginning Final Fantasy VI as the court mage for the Emperor Gestahl, it doesn't take long for Kefka to start showcasing his scheming side, draining the power of the Espers and seizing power for himself by ordering attacks on local towns and taking control of the Warring Triad.

Final Fantasy has a long collection of sadistic and evil villains, however few come close to matching just how extreme Kefka is. He is totally unhinged and has an obsessive hatred towards for pretty much everything in the world, both of which combine to trigger numerous heinous acts across the game.

Whether it be genocide against the Espers, backstabbing his allies or poisoning entire villages at a time, what makes Kefka so unsettling to come up against as a player is the merriment he demonstrates in conducting these horrific acts.

One of his most infamous quotes from the FFVI is: 'what's the fun in destruction when there are no 'precious' lives lost?', and that unhinged mentality is what drives Kefka into this irreversible escalation of violence players get to witness.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.