10 Utterly Terrifying Video Games You Really Can't Handle

6. Visage

Evil within 2
SadSquare Studio

Although this game is still in Early Access, Visage, the first game by SadSquare Studio, has nevertheless captured the hearts of horror fans, with some outlets even hailing it as the spiritual successor of P.T.

Set in the confides of a single house, Visage is made up of currently four chapters, each focusing on one of the house's previous inhabitants who experienced a horrific event.

Driven by expertly crafted slow-burn tension, this game is drenched in an uneasy atmosphere that only tightens its grip as it goes. Combining puzzle elements, resource management, and even a sanity meter in which more supernatural unpleasantness occurs the lower it becomes, Visage takes the best elements of the genre and combined them into its own horrific monster.

And this isn't even mentioning the ghostly occupants themselves. Able to lock doors and turn out lights at any given moment, their presence is felt at every second even if they can't be seen. However, not all the apparitions will be hostile, some will want to help; but their motivations won't be immediately obvious.

Made by a team who's adoration of the genre is evident in ever polygon, Visage could well be the scariest game ever made.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.