10 Video Game Achievements You Seriously Needed To Plan Out

8. Mortal Kombat X - My Kung Fu Is Stronger


Ask a fan of fighting games who their main is (a character they primarily focus on), and they'll instantly know. You don't invest that much time in any game/fighter if you weren't seriously "getting good" with them.

Sure, you may dabble with other characters on occasion, but we always stick to what we know, right? But what about when a game throws a challenge in that expects you to broaden your horizons...

I've used Mortal Kombat X here, but the same can be applied for the recent Street Fighters too: mastery of each fighter for the sake of completion. In the latter's case, it's usually tied to challenges and story modes, for the most part.

Yet MKX goes one further, expecting you to win one hundred battles, pull one hundred of each kind of finishing move, as well as spill ten thousand pints of blood. Not cumulative, but with each of the twenty seven main characters.

As well as play with each character for a minimum of twenty four hours, no less. If you weren't desentized to the violence before this, you'll be numb by the end.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.