10 Video Game Achievements You Seriously Needed To Plan Out

7. Outlast - Saving Your Energy

Red Barrels Studio

Outlast, when it first scared the bejesus out of us in 2013, offered a unique twist on the first person horror experience. Before Five Nights at Freddy's took over with its monitor-focused gameplay, Outlast managed horrifying tension with just one tiny screen.

For you see (or don't, in this case), most of the power in the Mount Massive Asylum has been inconsiderably knocked out by the time Miles gets embroiled in the going's on. So, he has to rely on his handy er, hand-operated camcorder and its night vision mode.

Which is fine, in a "this is not fine and I am cacking it" kind of way.

Thankfully, there are batteries at hand, in a serendipitous stroke of luck.

But for those that like a challenge and are accustomed to the dark, there's an accomplishment for doing it with one battery. Namely, the one you start with.

The thought of going back and playing most of it in the dark already freaks me out, so kudos and good luck to anyone who wants to attempt this brave madness.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.