10 Video Game Annoyances That Must Die Next Generation

4. Crossplay Not Being A Multiplayer Standard

Assassins Creed Map

To put it bluntly, in 2019 we should be able to play games with our friends regardless of which console they own. The technology is there, the feature has been implemented in titles before and its convenient nature means we can start looking towards a brighter, interconnected future. The reason we haven't done it? Corporate greed.

Sony has often been incredibly dismissive on implementing crossplay, refusing to work with competitors despite the interest they've shown in the feature. While - after the consistent nagging of fans - Sony implemented the feature into Rocket League and Fortnite, it's not joined discussions on making it into a universal part of modern gaming.

That's not to say it we couldn't see it become a standard multiplayer feature in the future. Microsoft and Nintendo have been getting quite friendly recently, while the green-brand recently signed a new deal with their rivals over at Sony, indicating a more collaborative future between the pair.

All that needs to happen now is the big three studios putting aside their differences and making this brilliant feature an industry norm.

While it's understandable that this could be harmful to console sales, cross-play is essential to pushing gaming forward into the future and would be an excellent way to connect the gaming community as a whole.

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Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.