10 Video Game Annoyances That Must Die Next Generation

3. Lazy Annual Releases

Assassins Creed Map

While Ubisoft learnt the error of their ways with Assassin's Creed, there's a lot of developers who need to follow their example. Whether big shooters like Call Of Duty or popular sports titles such as FIFA, there are too many games recycling resources year after year, basically shelling out the exact same product with a different coat of paint.

Looking at Assassin's Creed Origins in comparison to the handful of entries that proceeded it, it was clear Ubisoft had gone back to the drawing board and what emerged was a game that had learnt from player criticism and franchise fatigue. The world was deeper, the gameplay reinvigorated and the host of RPG elements that had been added to its gameplay made it stand out from its repetitive predecessors.

With this in mind, it seems a lot of these bigger franchises could use the same introspective time out that Assassin's Creed took for itself. Call Of Duty hasn't managed to replicate its earlier success in years - each game selling less and gaining more detractors - while Fifa and other sports titles crank out the same game every year instead of returning when they can add a healthy dose of new features.

The next-generation needs to have games that push the boundaries and having lazy annual releases can't meet that quota.

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Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.