10 Video Game Boss Fights That Killed The Hype

6. The End - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Batman Arkham Asylum Titan Joker

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater provides an all-timer example of a gruelling boss fight that comes totally out of nowhere and absolutely demoralises the player and their progress.

One of the game's later bosses is The End, an extremely elderly sniper who nevertheless presents by far the biggest challenge to the player in the entire game.

The battle takes place throughout a large, dense jungle, where players must track The End down by one of several means - such as using thermal goggles - and then eliminate him.

But The End is an extremely crafty combatant who can deliver massive damage from afar, regularly changes his position, and if he defeats you, he'll drag you all the way back to your prison cell, where you'll need to start the fight from the beginning.

For the unprepared, it can be an overpoweringly tricky fight which lasts literally hours, with each failed attempt feeling like the gaming equivalent of hurling yourself into a brick wall.

For those who get stuck, it grinds the game's pacing to a sheer halt, enough that they might be tempted to resort to the cheese method, of winding their system clock forward eight days and letting The End die of old age.

Though The End is fondly remembered by most Metal Gear fans, and the battle is regularly ranked among gaming's best-ever, it can be a considerably more aggravating experience while you're desperately trying to figure it out.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.