10 Video Game Boss Fights That Killed The Hype

5. Frank Fontaine - BioShock

Batman Arkham Asylum Titan Joker

BioShock's final boss fight couldn't feel much more polar opposite to the game as a whole: after so many artful, beautiful, fiendishly clever hours, the climactic battle against Frank Fontaine aka Atlas is an ugly, joyless, imagination-devoid mess.

It's not a difficult fight in the slightest, but it is a soulless, at times unintentionally hilarious bore.

For starters, it doesn't help that an ADAM-pumped Fontaine looks like a rejected Power Rangers goon, and the fight itself amounts to little more than dodging his attacks and draining him of his ADAM four times. Yawn.

Coming at the end of a game that feels so meticulously crafted and boundary-pushing otherwise, it was the soggiest and sorriest of damp squibs, enough that you couldn't really be blamed if you just... turned the game off when reaching this part on repeat playthroughs.

Hilariously, BioShock director Ken Levine even admitted in a 2016 interview with Rolling Stone that the team simply ran out of ideas for how to wrap the game up. He said:

"You have this great game, and then you end up fighting this giant nude dude. We didn't have a better idea."

At least he's honest, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.