10 Video Game Boss Fights That Killed The Hype

4. Malus - Shadow Of The Colossus

Batman Arkham Asylum Titan Joker
Team ICO

A possibly controversial pick now, but Shadow of the Colossus' final colossus, Malus, is just an awkward pain in the ass to fight.

At their best, the game's bosses are effectively living puzzles: you need to figure out how to scale them, avoid their attacks, and then hit the weak spots, but Malus ditches that thrilling sense of discovery for a mostly frustrating exercise in mountain climbing.

For starters, even reaching Malus is a mild irritation, as you need to avoid his supremely damaging bolt projectile attacks while navigating a series of tunnels that will eventually allow you to start scaling the immobile behemoth.

Per the game's oft-fiddly platforming mechanics, you'll need to climb up Malus and strike his weak points which are of course placed in supremely awkward positions which make it easy to lose your grip and fall, forcing you to scale him all over again.

To uninitiated players on their first playthrough, this fight can easily take upwards of an hour, unaided by the finicky controls and at times wonky camera.

As atmospheric and unsettling as it is, it's also nowhere near as fun as most of the prior fights in the game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.