10 Video Game Boss Fights That Killed The Hype

3. The Whale BT - Death Stranding

Batman Arkham Asylum Titan Joker
Kojima Productions

There's a fair argument to be made that Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding really didn't need boss fights at all, because for many players they're the absolute low-point of a game primarily concerned with traversal, exploration, and not shooting things.

Still, given Kojima's penchant for delivering some of the most creative and unforgettable bosses in the history of the medium - see: The End - it was undeniably exciting to see what he'd serve up for the game's final battle.

But as it turned out, Death Stranding's end boss is a giant nothingburger: a huge flying BT whale which amounts to little more than a bullet sponge the player needs to pump rounds into for a solid 10 minutes.

Though certainly not a particularly tough boss, the whale feels like Kojima half-heartedly shoving a giant monstrous final boss into the game because that's what video games are supposed to do, right?

And yet, most players who've invested 30-50 hours into this journey likely would've been just fine with the vastly superior Higgs battle being the final boss encounter. This just felt like overkill and yet, at the same time totally underwhelming.

Thankfully the literally movie-length ending that follows quickly restored most of that lost hype.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.