10 Video Game Bosses Beaten With Literally Zero Effort
9. The Clumsy Robot - EarthBound

God bless this robot. If you didn't already believe that EarthBound was equal parts whimsical and weird, this boss fight is sure to drive that fact home for you.
Because the Clumsy Robot doesn't really "fight" you, per se. It might hit you every once in a while - and to be fair, it packs a punch - but it's far more likely to waste its own turn, seemingly just kind of content to hang out with you, even in a fighting setting.
After a couple turns past, any threat is quickly abated, when the Runaway Five bust into the room and do what you maybe should have done a good while ago - turn the robot off at the switch. It's almost a shame, because your enemy didn't seem malicious, just sort of... a little confused. You'd probably be too, if you were a robot.
As a game that offers some genuinely taxing boss battle, it's worth remembering the one that, at most, required you to maybe heal twice before your pals rocked up to save the day.