10 Video Game Bosses So Huge You Had To Take Them Down From The Inside

2. The Nexus - Dead Space 3

Lost Planet 2 Gordiant
Visceral Games

When you fight against the Nexus, things initially seem to be going well. Although it seems like you aren't really damaging it as much as you maybe should be, you're shooting bullets at it, and generally that's enough to take down most bosses in first-person shooters.

So it's all swell - right up until you're eaten. Then the task at hand changes quite a lot, as you go from shooting at the beast, to shooting at its internals. This is made slightly creepier than a lot of similar boss fights because you're actually completely submerged in the creature's internal fluids the whole time, which is some special kind of messed up.

Shoot enough of its... fluid sacs until they burst, and the Nexus will eject you from its body as it dies through one of its seemingly many orifices. It'd be great to tell you to one you leave through doesn't look like the monster's butthole - but that would be a blatant lie, because after looking at it you know it simply can't be anything else.

For killing this colossal nightmare thing, your reward will be getting a big old kick in the side. Life's like that sometimes.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.