10 Video Game Bosses That Made Us Rage Quit (2023 Edition)

6. Chef Saltbaker - Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (2022)

god of war ragnarok gna
Studio MDHR

Originally releasing in 2017, Cuphead served up some frantic bullet hell boss fights that were as fiendishly difficult as they were bursting with charm and style. Five years later, developer Studio MDHR returned with more 2D action with their Delicious Last Course DLC.

Though short in length, this expansion nevertheless contained some of the game’s most memorable and diabolically sadistic bosses. Out of the six colourfully animated villains that players will find themselves facing up against, it’s the final boss who proves to be the most unforgivingly intense.

This boss was Chef Saltbaker, the kind-hearted baker who agreed to create the Wonder Tart for Cuphead and his friends at the start of the DLC.

In addition to peppering the screen full of projectiles to keep players constantly on the move whilst paying attention to what's happening, a large part of the difficulty of this fight is just how long it is. Taking up a whopping four phases, it takes a lot of concentration and determination to see this boss fight through to the end.

However, after the final platforming section of this arduous showdown, players will have earned the satisfaction of beating the hardest boss in the entire game.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.