10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

6. Car Troubles - Simpsons: Hit And Run

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Since a whole lot of people played Simpsons: Hit and Run when they were young - or otherwise getting into games - it might seen like this was where the difficulty of the game arose from. As anyone who has recently played it again can tell you, this is not the case - there are just certain portions that are really, really hard.

This is doubly true for the races you can do in each level to get yourself a new car. These are basically designed to be a huge trouble for you to beat, as you race against the car you would unlock in the next level - which is often infinitely superior to the one you currently have. It's at the point where many guides recommend you wait until you're a level or two past this mission before you actually play it, as otherwise it can often be a lesson in humility.

And thus, tactics that aren't exactly kosher in any other driving game suddenly become almost a necessary evil if you want to beat these races when you first unlock them. Getting other cars stuck on the environment, taking shortcuts that weren't meant to be shortcuts - anything is game when you have been demolished in a race against Marge Simpson for the umpteenth time.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.