10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

5. Dante - Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 Dante thumbnail

Many games have uber-hard extra-difficult modes that brave players battle their way through.

Devil May Cry 4 has perhaps one of the hardest of these, outside of games that actively market themselves on being difficult. There's a reason their most difficult mode is called Dante Must Die - and that's because Dante will provide you one of your most challenging fights.

Because regular attacks just don't seem to ever get through to this guy. You can deflect, dodge and parry still, but being able to actually hit him without it being blocked is seemingly impossible.

Now, while players have beat Dante on this difficulty without using more sketchy methods, there is a popular way to cheese this boss. Should you grow tired of suffering, you can merely parkour your way onto the altar in this room.

Dante, in all his infinite wisdom, will attempt to jump up - only for you to get an opening to attack him, swatting him back down. Then its rinse and repeat until his untimely demise, leaving you either relived to finally get through this fight, or a little ashamed of how you did it.

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