10 Video Game Bosses That Take Absolutely AGES To Beat

4. King K. Rool - Donkey Kong 64

Donkey Kong 64 King K Rool

Don't let this boss' silly appearance fool you: the final battle against King K. Rool in Donkey Kong 64 is a soul-destroying exercise in player perseverance.

The fight is a five-round boxing match between K. Rool and the various Kongs, and though each of the rounds sees a Kong fighting him in a different way, the sheer number of constraints placed upon the player makes it a hell of a slog.

For starters, each round lasts just 2.5 minutes, and if the player can't drain K. Rool's health in that time, the round will restart, with K. Rool's health restored while, infuriatingly, the player's own is not.

But the player can't afford relentless slip-ups, as failing to beat K. Rool within 12 rounds will require the entire fight to be started again, as will any of your Kongs being beaten in a single round.

Though a straight run-through lasts "only" around 20 minutes, a successful fight is much easier said than done, especially as the final round massively ratchets up the difficulty, likely sending you all the way back to the beginning many times over.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.