10 Video Game Bosses Who Didn't Even Try

5. Professor Nakayama - Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt

Spider-Man 2 Mysterio

Borderlands 2's Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC offers up one of the most gut-bustingly unexpected endings to any boss fight in video game history.

In the pre-fight cutscene, evil genius scientist Professor Nakayama boasts that he's got his big brain, a bunch of guns, and an imposing ship, seeming to suggest that the Vault Hunters are in for quite the tricky battle.

But mid-monologue, Nakayama slips on the nearby staircase and tumbles all the way down, repeatedly smacking himself as he falls, each violent hit knocking a decent chunk off his life bar.

By the time Nakayama finally reaches the bottom, his life bar is completely depleted and he's indeed dead. The "boss fight" was nothing more than watching him accidentally kill himself, after which the objective is ticked-off and Sir Hammerlock urges you to push ahead with the rest of the mission.

While Nakayama certainly seemed plenty worked up in the cutscene, it's tough to say he tried considering he couldn't even prevail against a damn flight of stairs. Amazing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.