10 Video Game Bosses Who Didn't Even Try

4. Pipsqueak - Skylanders: Giants

Spider-Man 2 Mysterio
Toys for Bob

Let's give it up for Skylanders: Giants's Cyclops monarch Pipsqueak, who true to his name is about as ineffective as bosses of any kind come: a natural coward and relentless delegator who'd rather do anything but fight the player directly.

In the game, Pipsqueak takes control of Molekin Mountain, and when your Skylander of choice confronts him - let's be honest, it's probably Spyro - the despot sics a fleet of his goons on you.

With each wave you defeat, Pipsqueak grows increasingly agitated at your "luck," while clearly not wanting to get physically involved himself. But prevail enough and he'll finally jump down into the arena to do battle, yet will quiver with weakness after sustaining just a single hit.

Pipsqueak will then back away from the fight and have his bodyguard, an armoured Shadow Duke, take his place.

Defeat the Shadow Duke and Pipsqueak will run away screaming, all while the Molekin hilariously wonder aloud why they were ever scared of someone so pathetically not-imposing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.