10 Video Game Bosses Who Didn't Even Try

3. Alien Queen - Aliens: Colonial Marines

Spider-Man 2 Mysterio
Gearbox Software

Few would dare defend the buggy, utterly underwhelming Aliens: Colonial Marines, and it's as such a game that most were happy to see the end of as fast as possible.

Yet while the final boss fight against the Xenomorph Queen had a ton of promise, it's arguably the worst part of the entire game courtesy of painfully generic encounter design and trash-tier AI programming.

The fight is less a fight than sneaking around and pushing four buttons in an attempt to activate the cargo bay's cargo launching system and in turn eject the Queen into space.

But the Queen doesn't really do anything at all beyond awkwardly stand around and very occasionally deliver attacks you can easily recover from.

At best it makes the Queen look like a dumb animal who can't defend herself, and at worst it's like she basically wanted you to launch her into the cold vacuum of space.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.