10 Video Game Bosses Who Didn't Even Try

2. Mysterio - Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2 Mysterio

Boss fights don't get much more guffaw-inducingly anti-climactic than the Mysterio battle in Spider-Man 2.

After several encounters with the supervillain throughout the game, the "epic" final fight takes place in the most awesomely cinematic of locations: a convenience store.

Despite the low-key setting, it's easy to take Mysterio's claim that he'll "destroy you utterly" seriously, given that as the fight starts he's shown to have three separate life bars - that's more than any other enemy in the entire game. This isn't gonna be easy, right?

Except, once the battle begins, Mysterio just stands around and taunts the player with lame-brained quips like, "You have trifled with my power for the last time!" and "I will not hold back!"

And yet, all you need to do is walk up to Mysterio and hit him once, causing all three of his life bars to immediately drain as he falls to the floor and, to add insult to injury, his helmet falls off.

The man in the suit, Quentin Beck, then declares he's given up and begs Spidey not to hit him again. Granted this was very clearly played for laughs, but even so, once that life bar began filling up the game had just about everybody fooled.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.