10 Video Game Bosses You ALWAYS Game Over On
5. Absolute Radiance - Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight, like most other roguelike games, is designed to kill you. A lot. There are some very tough boss battles in the game such as Pure Vessel and Radiance. But if you thought Radiance was hard, then go ahead and give Pure Radiance a shot. She’s a beast.
Imagine the Radiance battle - one of the toughest in the game - but now the boss moves twice as fast. It becomes a battle of positioning through five phases, which each phase requiring different tactics and maneuvering.
In this phase you need to be super-aggressive, but in the next you need to be super defensive, or you need to worry about footing on platforms, not getting into a trap by wall-jumping. Much like Lu Bu earlier on this list a common piece of advice is “Never chase Absolute Radiance, let her come to you.” Which she will do...ferociously.
You know it’s going to be a tough fight when several of the strategies posted for it ultimately boil down to the fact you will just have to retry, retry, retry - until you get her
timing down; with many proposing a good fifty attempts to get good enough beat her. The good news is that if you manage to do it, Radiance will be an absolute breeze.