10 Video Game Bosses You ALWAYS Game Over On
3. Giacomo - Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings & The Lost Ocean
Giacomo is a recurring enemy in all the Baten Kaitos games and is also infamous for being one of the tougher little gits in the game. Some of his early appearances are difficulty spikes,
but not too terrible, especially if you’ve overlevelled a bit before he shows up.
Arguably his hardest version is in the first game in the series, along with his two cohorts Ayme and Folon - who are colloquially called the Chaotic Trio due to their boss battle theme. The part that makes it hard is that, aside from Folon doing massive damage and Ayme’s annoying multi-hit special attack against you, is that there is a save point just before this battle. Now that’s usually a good thing, right?
Nope, not if there’s no way to go back to an earlier location and grind some levels if you’re not strong enough. Going into the battle under level 25 is largely considered to be inevitable defeat, if not a quick one. And, unless you diversified your saves, you’re stuck here in an unbeatable battle.
Congratulations on having to start the game over and grinding before you get to the Battleship Goldoba.