10 Video Game Bosses You ALWAYS Game Over On
2. Rebel Flagship - FTL: Faster Than Light

As with most rogue-like and rogue-lite games, any run of indie studio Subset Games' FTL: Faster Than Light can be wildly different from another.
You might wind up getting to the end in a bedraggled ship with one half-dead engineer and a single missile launcher, you might get there with a tip-top ship full of healthy crewmembers and enough armaments to take out a couple of Death Stars, or you might not make it to the end at all.
If you do make it to the end, though, then congratulations - you're about to hate it. After painstakingly going from zone to zone, piecing together a functional warship from parts you've scavenged, purchased, traded for, and lucked into, you wind up bow-to-bow with the Rebel Flagship.
It doesn't matter how lucky you've been, at best you're basically a Destroyer up against a Battleship. The Rebel Flagship has multiple stages to it, has tough shields, strong armor, and a lot of firepower to throw at you.
Given the fact that the creators of the game estimated that only 10% of players would be able to beat the Rebel Flagship, it's a wild guess that you weren't one of them.