10 Video Game Characters Who Deserved Better

8. Carlos - Saints Row 2

resident evil 8
THQ/Deep Silver

Although the Saints Row series has become best known for its over-the-top silliness, the series came from more serious and heartfelt - if still a little ridiculous - roots.

Before the Third Street Saints were battling aliens in a simulation or escaping from Hell itself, Saints Row 2 followed the leader of the Saints' work to rebuild his gang after the events of the first game. One of the loyal lieutenants helping players take back control was Carlos, a plucky youngster who helps the Saints' leader escape from prison at the start of the game.

Carlos is the first friendly face players meet and will continue to form a bond with as they work with him to take down The Brotherhood. He's funny, excitable, and naive; he's the puppy of the group. And this is what makes his brutal death even more painful.

While watching the leader end his closest friend's suffering is a hard-hitting moment (and an end that sweet Carlos didn't deserve), it's also a plot beat that has surprisingly little bearing on the rest of the game.

Had there been more time focusing on the aftermath of something as powerful as Carlos's demise, Saints Row 2 could've been even better.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.