10 Video Game Characters Who Were Secretly The Villain All Along

4. Jester - Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Devil May Cry 3 Jester

In fitting with the general tone of Devil May Cry, Jester is both some hilarious comic relief, and also entirely terrifying in his own right.

But - aside from the fact he is a demon - you don't realise the second fact until a decent way through the game. Because after fighting Virgil in mission thirteen, Jester appears once more, revealing himself to be Devil Trigger - or demonic form - of Arkham, one of the game's big bads.

Worse yet, you discover this right at the point that you also discover he's been manipulating Virgil, Lady and you into opening the portal to Hell and giving him untold powers - making it a trifecta of news that sucks.

This said, you do at least get to fight him, and so anytime you feel particularly upset at how he pulled the wool over your eyes, you can just think about the fact that you can beat confetti out of him in revenge whenever you so choose.

You did get clowned by a clown though. Never forget that.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.