10 Video Game Characters Who Would Be Awesome To Drink With

1. Dante

dmc-main-600x300 What's not to love about Dante? He already had that cool factor about him in the first four games but with the release of DmC- we explore Dante's younger years before he had reached his full Devil potential. His wise cracks alone would be awesome when completely drunk and if it did get him into trouble with the doormen, he would have no qualms about going to town on them. The constant edgy feeling he would have about everyone being a demon out to get him would get a little tedious after a while. The main reason for him being number one on the list is the fact that he is such a ladies man. That and he is bound to know a decent pizza place to go to when the club shuts. What video game characters would you love to hit the town with for a few pints? Leave a comment below.
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Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DanielMcMurtry