10 Video Game Characters You'll Never See Again

9. Glover

Glover Game

The tale of Glover is a sad one that most of the video game industry has all but forgotten at this point. Sure you wouldn’t be blamed for doing so, what with nearly every Fifth Generation video game that dared to enter the third dimension being almost unplayable.

A victim of bad business decisions and Nintendo having a stranglehold on the cartridge market, the death knell came when Hasbro Interactive opted to take double their order of copies. Initially, they had 150,000 cartridges on order, but were persuaded to bump this up to 300,000 with an enticing deal.

By now you can guess that Glover never sold this much and became a financial failure. We are talking millions lost. Hasbro was left with the additional 150,000 and it was game over pretty much.

This is a damn shame as Glover was actually doing some different at the time, what with the ball Glover was guiding being able to transform into several different forms to overcome obstacles and enemies. Now Glover is owned by Atari which means we definitely won’t be seeing him again.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.