10 Video Game Characters You'll Never See Again

8. Old Snake

Solid Snake Old

Now is it fair to segment a character by age for this list? Well if Hideo Kojima does it with Metal Gear Solid, then it is fair game. Even if not, it's all but safe to say that we won’t be seeing this version of Solid Snake again. MGS4 tied everything up in a nice little bow and after that, the franchise went back in time for another Big Boss outing.

Not only that, but David Hayter was even ditched which basically means the character was already gone if you ask most fans. His voice was the identity of Snake in any era. The biggest elephant in the room is of course the split between Kojima and Konami. This has been rumoured to be on the mend now, but even then we are more likely to get a MGS remake than a continuation of 4.

There might be another game or so for Big boss in the years to come, what with decades of his past being clouded in mystery, but for the Solid Snake that became Old Snake in MGS4, he's going to keep us waiting. .


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.