10 Video Game Classics That Desperately Deserve Remakes

9. Metroid Prime

Well fancy that, Nintendo actually did know how to take the traditional 2D Metroid experience and graft it onto a 3D frame. What's that, I'm thirteen years late to the party? Oh, I just assumed Metroid Prime had only just been released - it still looks that damn good today that I sometimes forget how old the GameCube title is. If it still holds up today, why has it plonked itself down at number nine on this list? Well, look at it this way; if Nintendo were able to make Metroid Prime look so fantastic back at the turn of the century and play equally well, then just imagine what they could do with a total remake. The purple lunch-box-sized GameCube wasn't exactly the most powerful machine of its generation (the Xbox gets that title, ironically), but it still managed to make Metroid Prime look like a top-end tour de force, regardless. Imagine updating the original with some modern visuals and textures and an overhauled control system and you're looking at a very tantalising prospect indeed. Please Nintendo, make it so. It's this or a reboot. Either is fine, and a far better alternative to Metroid Prime: Federation Force.
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.